You can see from the information contained above that an injury at work can result in a complicated legal process.
After the Written Final Offers expire (14 days after the conference) you must file proceedings in Court within 60 days of the conference (Section 300(3)(a) WCRA).
Consequently, it is essential that you obtain legal advice as soon as possible.
Our recommendation is that you obtain legal advice during the course of the statutory claim and certainly before your injury is assessed for permanent impairment.
Start Claim ProcessYou should also be aware that WorkCover or a Self-Insurer do not have to disclose that they have this video surveillance.
There is nothing that WorkCover or a Self-Insurer can do to prevent you from being dismissed from your employment.
There are strict time limitations and a claim for Unfair Dismissal must be lodged within 21 days of being dismissed.
It is essential that you obtain legal advice as soon as possible.
Start Claim Process